Heartland is Field of Dreams

Your mind, when aligned, with heartland is fertile field of dreams. Every thought a seed. Each day a row, to sow, your field of dreams.
— Kellen

John Kinsella: Is this heaven?

Ray Kinsella: It's Iowa.

John Kinsella: Iowa? I could have sworn this was heaven.

Ray Kinsella: Is there a heaven?

John Kinsella: Oh yeah. It's the place where dreams come true.

Ray Kinsella: Maybe this is heaven


Charlotte, Iowa. County Road Z24. June 18. En route to Aunt’s memorial service at Assumption Church. Resting place of great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and my mother.

Was in Iowa June 14-19. Returning to ancestral homeland- the towns, old family farms, and graveyards, connects me to earthly and spiritual roots. Honoring death helps me celebrate life. What do I need to lay to rest, in my mind, in order (and Holy Chaos) to spiritually bushwhack my life’s field of dreams. Dreams of long term housing, career stability, publishing books, financial abundance, and someday homesteading in Wyoming.

Last week’s visit to Iowa refreshed my Soul and recalibrated my mind. 

Being with family in both parent’s hometowns- Muscatine and Charlotte, helped usher me home to heart center. Sacred space of fertile landscapes, where Soul plays in field of dreams.

The heart center is an ever fertile field of dreams. An all season and weather space of creative possibility.

Cancer season energy supports hOMecomings. What place, activity, or song is a welcome mat to your heart? How does your field of dreams grow? Are you getting enough light? Need help weeding out worry or doubt?

Tips to keep field of dreams fertile: 

🌱Honor baby steps. Each day is a row.

🌱Cultivate awareness. Every thought a seed.

🌱Water dreams with faith and patience.

🌱Weed out perfection and other’s opinions.

The heart space is Universe of possibility. Ever fertile field of hope and possibility, where dreams come true.


Blossoming After Loss


Spiritual Journey of Rustic Steps