Invest in a Daily Wellbeing Portfolio for Life Long Health Benefits
“The essence of investment management is the management of risk, not the management of returns.”
— Benjamin Graham
“Ayurvedic self-care decreases risks of stress, thereby increasing management of strong immunity. This creates sustainable long-term wellbeing.”
— Kellen Brugman
Three Essential Assets for Strong Immunity
Healthy Digestion
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates. A vital immune system begins in the kitchen. Learn to make kitchari- a tasty complete protein and nourishing meal. It’s not just for cleanses anymore! Add this superfood to weekly menu and enjoy lifelong digestive benefits.
Lymph & Skin
Support healthy lymphatic flow and youthful skin glow. Abhyanga is warm oil massage. Aromatherapy for body and mind. Start with twice weekly and notice positive effects in digestion, sleep, joint mobility, and positive moods. Click for “how to” and an organic oil blend to nourish skin & flourish mental peace.
Restorative Sleep
Reduced hours or poor sleep quality lowers immune function, affects moods and memory, and dims creative sparks. Making sound sleep a priority is an easy, effective stress management tool, with lifetime dividends for body and mind. Click to more easily drift off to dreamland.
Questions on a product? Contact me.
All Ayurvedic supplements I personally use and recommend are from Banyan Botanicals or Maharishi Ayurveda. I am a Health Care Practitioner and writer for them. Their products are organic, fair trade, sustainably harvested, and tested to the highest quality standards.
Increase Your ROI
Increase your wellbeing Return on Investment.
These Ayurvedic treatments and herbal supplements enhance the value of your daily self-care rituals.
Immune System Management
First rule: Remove foods and lifestyle habits that create ama(toxins) in your body and mind. This trio helps support digestive system- your body’s best asset in creating wealth in immunity. For limited time, save $21.95.
When investing in a holistic wellbeing portfolio, consult with your medical professionals. These Ayurvedic suggestions are most effective when integrated into your current healthcare system.