Move from Scare-City into State of Abundance

Move from Scare-City into New State of Abundance 

Tips to evict lack goblins and clear scarcity mindset

During the course of today and span of past month, where did your thoughts mainly reside? Did they ping in scarcity, aka Scare-City, where mind thinks there are limited resources, and one competes with others for clients, jobs, dating/marriage prospects, and money?

Or, did your thoughts reside in the State of Abundance, where you believe resources and blessings, such as clients, jobs, dating/marriage prospects, and money, are available to all.

Abundance state of mind celebrates when a friend or co-worker scores career win or financial gain, because you know the Universe (and local community) also has enough resources for you.

Universal abundance is attracted to and arrives when you align mind with your creative possibility. Instead of negative mindset invoking lack goblins who stir-up comparing mind, and always hijack your innate, unlimited creative potential.

Zone Improvement Plan

By the end of this post, I hope y’all will make pledge to the State of Abundance. This letter is a long one, yet I hope you keep reading, as I share Ayurvedic based lifestyle tips and mindfulness rituals to help you evict lack goblins and clear hauntings of scarcity mindset.

The more you appreciate your inherent value (via self-love), the less comparison and lack keeps you kidnapped in Scare City. I’ve personally learned this lesson over the past 4 years, as I changed both geographical (6!) and energetic ZIP codes.

ZIP stands for “Zone Improvement Plan”. Isn’t it cool how simple, daily things in life have divine potential to become teachers and spiritual adventures? My studies in both finance and Ayurveda help me view life relationships between the MACRO and micro worlds. And, to recognize and trust common Universal laws, like relativity, cause and effect, attraction, and compensation.

Think of your mindset as an energetic ZIP code. If you want to move from scarcity mindset to abundant life, it’s vital to move your mind out of the Scare City zone. You need to create a plan that improves the quality of your thoughts and emotions.

ZIP codes help mail travel more accurately and quickly. The postal system delivers mail to your house. The mind and nervous system deliver thoughts, emotions, and sensations to your entire physical and mental body, which is the house for your Soul.

If you want to feel better and bull’s-eye dreams and goals, it’s key your thoughts reside in the right zone – the zone of positivity, potential, and abundance.

Comparison Confines. Self-Love Aligns.

In February 2017, two months after Thomas Fire disaster, my main clients (97% of my income) moved away. It was the worst loss- on my accounting ledgers; and, eventually grew to become the best gain on my emotional and spiritual assets sheet. Through curiousity, self-reflection, regular therapy sessions, breathing meditations, and reading spiritual books like “Ask And It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I noticed each move (3 in California and 3 in Michigan) helped me improve my abundance mindset.  

Changing postal zip codes at each move ensured my desired mail arrived to me. Same happens in energetic realm. When my mind/thoughts reside in a positive zip code, aka energetic space, I more easily receive/experience desired emotions, feelings, experiences, relationships, career opportunities, and financial abundance.

I recently experienced a situation with someone suffering from scarcity mindset, whose business ideas didn’t align with my personal values and career goals. So, I moved on from that business relationship. Shortly after sending resignation notice, I received a reply email that felt like energetic junk mail. Instead of replying, I did what I do with postal junk mail- tossed email to clear energy and stay in my preferred ZIP code.

In order (and holy chaos) to receive/experience your desired career dreams, creative goals, and financial abundance, it’s vital to be sure the location of your mind’s thoughts reflect Zip code for State of Abundance.

If you notice recent thought patterns are residing in a lack or comparison zone, this letter will help you change the direction and location of your mind’s thoughts.

Impacts of Scarcity Mindset

Neuroscience has proven scarcity mindset impacts brain activity, by decreasing the mind’s ability to function with clarity and ease.

Two ways scarcity haunts your mind:

1. Scarcity mindset limits ability to problem solve and reason logically. When mind is stuck in negative zone, mental energy stalls, and can’t reroute and move into realm of creative possibility. It’s like a car being in neutral with driver pressing gas pedal. Gas (energy for car) is being used up, but car goes nowhere.

2. Scarcity mindset alienates others. Unlike metal magnets, people with negative energy repel positive minded and generous hearted people. The most successful career people I’ve met in my lifetime career professions (corporate banking, Ayurveda, yoga, teaching, and holistic wellness coaching) are the ones with positive minds and generous traits. Shout out to Dez Stephens at Radiant Coaches Academy, and Dr, Edie from Life Mentoring School!

Following are Ayurvedic based lifestyle tips and self-care rituals to help your mind move into State of Abundance. Changing where your thoughts reside improves creativity and ushers you into the right ZIP code where it’s easier to receive abundance.

Evict Lack Goblins and Clear Hauntings of Scarcity Mindset

1. Gratitude Lullaby

Gratitude changes emotional latitude and mental attitude.

Stop comparing your social life, career or financial situation to others. Fear and jealousy, low vibrational emotions, hijack your mental energy and deplete creative powers.

Lifestyle adventure tip: Start a daily gratitude journal. At bedtime (so mind drifts off into Universal Ah-bundance realm), reflect on your day and write 1-3 things that made you feel grateful. Feeling great-full before sleep circulates positive vibes throughout body. I’ve kept a gratitude journal since 2017. It helps me fall asleep with visions of positive experiences, versus lack goblins, dancing in my head.

2. Relocation Invocation

For a year and a half after leaving California, I kept thinking “I miss and want to be back in California”. I thought of dear friends and how easy my career blossomed there. Although I forwarded my mail to new Michigan address, my mind spent a lot of time and energy in my old ZIP code. Also, my Pod of household items remained in Cali until February 2020. So much of my energy got left behind.

This February, a few serendipitous incidents confirmed my life path, according to Divine Blueprint, pings in Michigan. Being here now energetically, better aligns my creative energy with Petoskey’s creative, abundant potential.

Pause and reflect where your thought patterns currently reside. Are they keeping you from moving forward with more ease and happiness regarding career and relationships?

What emotional state feels desirable? Use your positive emotions to help guide your thoughts into State of Abundance. Once your mind begins to focus and relocate into desired state, your Divine Blueprint unfolds with more ease, clarity, and support.

Spiritual invocation tip: God/Spirit, I have outgrown scarcity mindset. Help me release fear, jealousy, and lack. I am ready to move into new mental space, where only thoughts of ease and abundance reside. I believe a new Zone Improvement Plan awaits me, so I am already forwarding my thoughts and energy there.

Find third tip- Abundance Breath Meditation, here.

BIG hug,



Abundance Thought Meditation


Energetic Hemorrhoids Relief