Yoga and breath- the yellow brick road returning you home. Home to a state of ease, peace and possibility. where clarity focuses your outlook and intuition guides daily choices. Unroll your mat. Arrive at hearth of your heart.
Breath by breath, you stoke sacred flame of love, transforming disparity into clarity. Pose to pose, a frantic pace shifts into divine grace. As lies disappear and layers crumble, you feel your body, mind, and heart surrender to possibility and acceptance.
The desert, cross, yoga mat, and the year 2020. Places of surrender and transformation. Spaces where new paths lead to new life. Paths returning us home, to the hearth of the soul - your heart.
At this time, when “there’s no place like home” may feel like geographical confinement, a yoga mat becomes a welcome mat. Being at Home yoga is a journey, through poses and breath, arriving to your heart- the hearth of your Soul.
Being at Home yoga is:
All levels yoga-ish class that supports immunity and reduces stress.
Breathing practices to strengthen respiratory system
Ayurvedic acupressure points with poses to release stress and support vital organs/systems.
Guided breath meditation to foster blissful sleep
Journal prompt to explore possibility and navigate your week from heart space
WHAT TO BRING: Yoga mat, blanket or large towel and 2 tennis balls. Optional: calming essential oil.
December 29, 2020 from 5:30-6:30p ET
I donate 10% of each class to Bonaparte’s Retreat, a Nashville based dog rescue founded by Emmylou Harris.