Genuflect at Impossibility
Sacred Irreverence is genuflecting at what others see as impossible.
Sacred irreverence is following gut instinct and spiritual intuition, instead of another’s opinion or society’s standards.
Sacred irreverence is genuflecting at altar of creative potential, which transforms doubts into faith, and turn dreams into reality.
Someone recently told me “maybe you should consider doing something that provides more stable income, until you find your soul’s purpose. You know, being single doesn’t help either.”
I wanted to retort: “and this is coming from someone who hasn’t worked in over three years, or ever had the grit and gumption to be self-employed?” Instead, I ignored the doubting Thomas’s unsolicited advice and center staged in my reality and faith in God’s purpose for my life. Also, I had found my Soul’s purpose (writer, teacher and inspirational speaker) in my 20’s and have been living it since.
Soul’s Mission and Divine Blueprint
God created me to be a writer, teacher, speaker, and commUNITY connector. I’ve been living my Soul’s purpose full-time since 2000. Two decades of stability, abundance, support, and joy. The past four years brought challenges like wildfire and mudslide disasters, cross-country move, pandemic, job furlough then termination, another move, and another, and another cross country one.
All which has stressed and blessed me.
Mostly blessings of emotional, creative and spiritual growth...eternal assets and divine riches.
The cross country in December 2022 landed me in Carefree, AZ. Yes, Carefree. The desert oasis where I am revising and renewing my career goals according to this phase of my Divine Blueprint according to God’s purpose for my Soul’s Mission. That “doubting Thomas” person gave me chance to renew my vows as a writer, teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, and creative entrepreneur. In that moment, instead of rebutting someone who had no business playing career coach with me and zero clue on a creative or entrepreneurial life, I genuflected at altar of divine possibility.
Faith, in my Divine Blueprint and Soul’s Mission, is the sacred space where co-creation begins.
Genuflection: a simple act of pausing and remembering. A sacred space where my energy amplifies, Spirit’s voice becomes louder, and other’s opinions fade.
Are you at intersection of BIG life shift? A career change. Or dreaming of entering a writing contest. Or, moving to new city. Something that seems impossible through lens of finances or practicality. Or what others say is foolish or not sustainable.
If so, take vow of sacred irreverence at the world’s view or other’s unsolicited opinions. Realign your eyes, ears, mind, and heart to God’s Divine Blueprint for your Soul’s Mission.
Make a promise to genuflect at creative possibility whenever stresses threaten, or people judge your choice or strategy regarding how you trailblaze paths to career dreams and creative goals.
Self-Care Strategy to Realign with Divine Potential and Baby Step to Next Goal
When the three stooges - fear, doubt, or procrasstination road block your progress, pause and circle back to your heart. Place hands at heart, close eyes, and listen to your breath. Inhale faith. Exhale fear, doubt or procrasstination.
This technique, much like prayer, becomes an echo chamber and reminds you of your Soul’s Mission. A source of Truth, reminding you that God always and in all ways takes all things (even the setbacks, switchbacks, and detours) and arranges them to conspire with your Divine Blueprint. Many times over the past 3 years, I would initially feel discouraged at career setbacks and geographical detours, but as soon as I merged my mind with this technique and with prayer, I felt encouraged. And my action steps became more powerful because I was taking both baby steps and leaps of faith in courage, faith, trust, and patience.
Keep practicing this technique, and in time your baby steps will become BIG leaps of faith. And confusing moments of “um, what do I do next?”, will transform into powerful momentum that perfectly syncs with God’s Divine Blueprint.
Here to consult and create a daily self-care routine or offer career and creative support as a certified holistic wellness coach.