No Approval Necessary
On recent trip back to Northern Michigan, I picked up my journals. When I moved to AZ in December, via my Prius, I took clothes, plants, iron skillet, Jim Harrison books, and about 15 journals. The other 50-60 journals wintered in a storage shed a snowballs throw from Walloon Lake. Near Hemmingway’s cabin.
Leaving some of my journal behind felt like leaving some of my children and friends behind. In December 2017, when I evacuated to San Luis Obispo for 10 days due to Thomas Fire, I took all my journals. And a huge painting of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. A family heirloom painting that hung over bed of Great Grandma and Grandpa Kane. I chuckled when my Nana told me that. Leave it to an Irish Catholic to sleep under Agony in the Garden. They did have 4 kids tho.
Evacuations from fires. Leaving CALI for a few life chapters in Michigan. Then, crossing bridges and deserts into Carefee. A spiritual route of leaving things behind.
Returns. Reunions. Agony. New Life. Surrender. Resurrection.
This is Spiritual Bushwhacking. The path to finding and returning to my heart. On a road trip. In a journal. In a relationship.
Step by step. Word by word. Breath by breath. My lifepath. My journal. My Soul. Coming home.
Home to my Divine Blueprint. Navigating from faith and trust. No approval needed when I navigate career, relationships, and decisions based on my Soul’s Mission.
Writing helps me in the removal of another’s approval, regarding how I navigate my life.
Ps. In Ayurveda Sanskrit word for health is Svastha. Means “situated in Self”. Betraying oneSelf will cause dis-ease. In the heart, mind, and body.
Whenever I feel off course, simple act of putting pen to paper navigates me H💙ME.
Stress Relief Tip: The next time someone tries to force or coerce you to shift course regarding a decision, job choice, or personal belief, in order (or holy chaos) to make them feel better, pause and retreat to blank sheet of paper. Wield a pencil or pen, and map out how your decision, choices, and beliefs align with your heart, and God’s plan for your Soul’s Mission.