Faith Navigates Blind Curves
“Each person is born with innate genius- the divine potential to transform mind and navigate change; thus allowing the Soul to Spiritually Bushwhack™️ towards
new life adventures. Faith is the spiritual path leading you home to creative genius. ”
Blind Curves
Spring 2020. A Universal, unprecedented trailhead. The global pandemic escorted millions onto new life paths. People found themselves navigating career, health, home, school, travel, and financial changes that required a strategic tactic of constant switchbacking change and bushwhacking unknowns. A path that can feel like endless mile markers of events affecting all facets of daily life, and, aspects of future plans.
So many blind curves and sudden swerves.
As a result, my holistic wellness coaching clients increased this year. All seeking how to more easily navigate unknowns due to changes like switching jobs, new threat to immunity, or adjusting to sharing home offices with spouses. One client wants to relocate cross country, but worries if it will work out. Anxiety about so many unknowns happening at once is common coaching theme. I totally get it.
After bushwhacking BIG life changes post two California natural disasters, I feel somewhat ahead of the (blind) curve. Since leaving Ojai in 2019, I’ve navigated geographical, home, and career changes. Two months ago I landed in Petoskey and settled in sweet nest 5 minutes from Lake Michigan. Unpacking felt like Christmas, as 90% of my household items were in storage since March 2018.
My 20 year career as Ayurveda Lifestyle Practitioner and Holistic Wellness Coach is also changing. A rebirthing process over the past 9 months that feels like final stage of spiritual labor. A miracle mayhem of both divine order and holy chaos, bringing me into closer alignment with faith and creative genius. These Universal elements and energy, accessible to each of us in every moment, make life changes and choices more easy and enjoyable.
Faith births divine possibility- a holy space where one’s mind more easily aligns with trusting God’s plan and timing for their Soul’s mission. My mission, aka divine blueprint, is weaving Ayurveda, writing, yoga, and holistic wellness coaching into a career portfolio that helps others start new career path, manifest health goals, and/or launch creative adventures.
Over past 3-ish years, I’ve experienced what author Glennon Doyle calls “brutiful” (brutal + beautiful) life changes. BIG changes in my macro world like wildfire, mudslide, moving cross country, nomadic housing, job furlough, client losses, and moving between Michigan and Nashville. These events helped me shift BIG change in my mindset- the micro world. It’s been an intense and liberating process of lightening my mental load, by tossing out old beliefs, toxic mental patterns, and stuck emotions. Just like a hiker experiences easier movement with lighter backup, I began making better progress on my career and spiritual path. Change, which once looked like chaos and road closures, began feeling like a benevolent energetic trail guide, ushering me to new possibilities.
“Nothing was like anything else, including himself, and everything changing all of the time. He knew he couldn’t perceive the change because he was changing too, along with everything else.”
In late January, my head, whiplashed from suburbia and exhausted from worrisome “what if” mumbling, needed change of scenery. So, I set up camp at sister’s Northern Michigan cabin along the Betsie River. Soon after arriving, a major snowstorm hit and covered forest paths and driveway in two feet of snow. I donned snowshoes, eager to blaze trail through woods to riverbank. Suddenly, not seeing a clear path felt like fun. I thought, maybe home and career unknowns is how I can best blaze a new life path? My heart whispered, yes.
Sentried by cedars and pines, in quiet, riverine forest, “yes” transformed doubt into curious faith. In that moment of walking on (frozen) water, I revised my approach to navigating change. I didn’t need to know the way to career dreams right now; only to believe that faith gives me ability to blaze The Way through change.
Once blinded by unknowns, I now could see possible assurance. God and Mother Nature sent a blinding snowstorm to help me re-vision my life and see how my perception (thinking mind) of a new life is less important than my reception (believing mind) of a New Life.
This insight helped me clearly see how old templates that worked in California and Nashville, no longer worked now. I began recreating new business plan and imagining dream home. (Yes, a vision board too). In my lone, pine forest pilgrimage, I reoriented towards faith. Faith, the belief of things unseen that I know to be true. Faith is the most important element in any transformation and recovery cycle, be it career, financial, substance abuse, or health.
Successfully navigating unknown paths and blind curves is more about having faith in divine blueprint, instead of having a geographical map or timeline. Spiritually bushwhacking change is easier when mind aligns with faith. This divine intersection creates a powerful latitude-longitude vortex, where the path ahead intersects the powers above. At this junction, intuition- one’s true North compass, makes heart ping on possibility.
Faith, always and in all ways, guides and provides through unexpected swerves and blind curves.
The more I trusted my heart and listened to my Soul, the more change felt like energy of allow, versus “all ow”. Unknowns merged onto new adventure paths. Magical things happened. By late spring, my sister’s rental house suddenly opened up. By July’s new moon, I moved to Petoskey, started teaching weekly yoga classes, Aveda began booking me again for virtual events, and I met friends and neighbors of the instant, spirit-connection variety.
Navigating Change
Spiritual bushwhacking- inviting your Soul to navigate change, is a most reliable navigational system for moving through unknowns. The Soul, an energetic extension of Universal creative genius, reconnects you to your innate genius. The genius of insight and intuition- trusted guides helping you trailblaze paths towards career dreams, and wellness goals, and creative adventures.
Are you feeling overwhelmed navigating detours and blind curves on career path or road to wellness? Need help shifting mindset into higher-power gear in order (and holy chaos) to change old habits or detox mental body? Seeking inspiration to ignite spark for creative project?
Let’s connect. I’d love to share how Ayurvedic based self-care rituals and healing energy treatments stoke and expand your body and mind’s innate creative genius. My wellness and lifestyle consults help clients reconnect with their creative genius. By listening to your vision for wellness, career dream, and creative ideas, I create self-care rituals and lifestyle suggestions that support your goals and dreams. Click here if you’re ready to book a consultation or healing energy session. Or, send email inquiry to if curious and have a question.
BIG hug…Kellen