Faith: Proof Beyond A Resonable Doubt
In moments of mild uncertainty or major doubts, call your first witness. Your heart.
Beyond all reasonable and unreasonable doubts, the heart knows truth is more valuable than proof.
In heart center resides the Soul. The Soul/Spirit, kin to body and mind, resides in the body and acts as guide on one’s life path. The mind’s intelligence uses logic, proof, and comparison, to decide and make choices. The heart’s intelligence uses sensations, emotions, and Faith to navigate and make choices.
The mind is swayed by patterns and societal or family rules. The heart is steadfast in your Soul’s divine blueprint.
Spiritual Bushwhacking™️ through unknowns and change is the Soul’s strategy to successfully manifesting career dreams and creative goals, in alignment with one’s Divine Blueprint- aka God’s perfect plan for a person’s life.
Spiritual Bushwhacking™️ is a way to navigate blind curves and divine detours with insight- one’s inner vision. Seeing is believing takes one only so far on life adventure path. Believing is seeing escorts and transports one to realm of Purusha- the supreme unmanifested space of pure divine unlimited creative potential.
So the next time your mind fisticuffs you in doubt, call your first and most truest witness- your heart. Heart is home of the Soul. And in this sacred space, timeless wisdom awaits your invitation to allow your Soul to guide you and open door to abundant possibility.
Beyond all reasonable and unreasonable doubts, your heart knows truth is more valuable than proof.