Grouchy to Good Morning
An Ayurvedic morning routine for a happy, productive day
Awakening focus, productivity and creativity begins with investing in a morning routine. It sets the direction and tone of your day, by aligning the mind and energy with goals- health, personal, work, and family. How do you start your day? A rise and whine, or rise and shine? In a rush, or ritual mode?
Do you think morning routines cost you time; or, do you believe morning routines invest in health and happy relationships?
In Ayurveda, a Dinacharya (daily routine) supports immediate and long-term body-mind health. Investing in a daily routine also saves time. When body is healthy, clarity versus disparity, rules the mind; so, one is more efficient and effective throughout the day. Distractions and stress overreactions won’t waste time and energy, so you accomplish more sans burnout and emotional meltdowns.
Journal entry, third grade. For my parents, Sunday mornings with three kids, was a rush and race scene. Rush to wash, clothe, groom, and feed three kids under age nine, and race to the church pew. Sleeping in and staying home would have been easier. However, my parents valued faith and family, so they invested in church as a family. Their Sunday routine spiritually influenced my life. My daily spiritual practice includes morning breath meditation and walking while saying prayers on my Nana’s rosary or chants on my Albuquerque mala beads. And, I attend Sunday church, just not the early bird service.
My camping vacation journal describes my ideal morning routine at age 11. The birds, my alarm clock, set a nice cheerful tone for the day. According to Dr. Vasant Lad of The Ayurvedic Institute, awakening with nature exposes one to sattvic (vital, healing energy) qualities that bring peace of mind and refresh the senses. In simple terms, a yahoo to your day!
Decades later, nature and writing remain part of my daily morning routine. I still love songbird alarm clocks and some playtime (a run or dog walk) before settling into work mode. My Ayurvedic daily morning routine is a non-negotiable. Over past 17 years it’s changed, based on work and family obligations. However, I’ve always invested 20-45 minutes in my morning self-care, even when I worked 9-5 in corporate banking, and as a step-mom, drove a child to school.
An Ayurvedic morning routine sets the day’s tone and direction. It aligns mental focus with daily goals and harmonizes energy with your life dreams. Studies show a daily morning routine supports consistent energy levels and digestion throughout the day. Investing in a 10-20 minute daily morning routine lowers stress and increases productivity levels. Healthy digestion, mental ease, and happy moods produce positive endorphins. So when that mid-afternoon lull happens, you are less inclined to binge on sugar and cringe on stress.
Ayurvedic Rituals for Good Morning Routine
1. Happy, healthy smile. Brush teeth, scrape tongue, and then rinse mouth three times with cool water. Benefits: removes bacteria, reduces bad breath, and improves sense of taste (which can weaken with age). If you want to add another step, learn to do oil swishfor extra oral health benefits. In an Ayurvedic health consultation, the tongue is key indicator of poor digestion. Curious? Book a Zoom consult with me.
Save 15% on tongue scraper from Banyan Botanicals. Use code KELLEN15
2. Drink cup warm water. A cup of warm (or tepid for pitta types) water encourages elimination to groove and move, assisting body to naturally cleanse. Drinking water first thing also hydrates body, unlike coffee that has drying effect on colon and skin. H2O, then cuppa Joe. In summer months, to pacify pitta dosha, I add 3”celery stalk and lime wedge for antioxidant boost and cooling effect.
3. Easy meditation. Before breakfast, step outside and observe nature. While breathing slow, steady, deep breaths, watch and listen to nature. Set an intention to trust the cycles of your workday and adjust your pace the moment you notice mind race. Morning intentions infused with nature’s wisdom guarantee good vibes all day long.
Morning routines are the best path to avoid grouchy and stay on a cheerful trail throughout your day.
Ready to integrate more steps into your morning routine, or address specific health concerns? Let’s connect.As an Ayurvedic Holistic Health Coach, with 21 years experience helping thousands of clients, I will create the very best morning routine for you. One that is easy, effective, and enjoyable. From keeping musicians healthy on the road, to supporting parents balancing self-care with childcare, I know how to assess what morning rituals best support your unique Ayurvedic constitution and current health concerns.