Blossoming After Loss
Chicory: Master Teacher of Adaptation
Nature’s intelligence. Innate wisdom for adapting to Universal cycles. The four seasons. Night and day. Sunlight and clouds. Warm and cold. Being watered and being pruned.
Flowers, trees, herbs, and weeds. Masters of adaptation, transforming themselves based on what’s happening in external MACRO Universe. Like chicory plant. She grows in my front yard and hedges southern side of house. Mother Nature is my landscaper. And, benevolent teacher. I allow and enjoy living amongst the wildflowers.
Notice how chicory closes petals and changes colors when sun’s bright heat stresses plant. Vibrant purple pigment turns into quiet, soft white. Her prana- vital life energy shifts to conserve energy. Also, shortly after being mowed down(neighbors yard), chicory rises again. Quick to bloom, versus blame.
I’m in awe of what chicory plant taught me today:
💜 When external situation (job, person) ignites intense stress, make a change. In short term, shift into low energy (non-reactive) hue. Common phrase, “I literally saw red” describes mind in anger state. Change your hue, at warning bells hullabaloo. Visualize soft blue, while breathing slow and gentle.
💜 Sometimes recovery from loss or change quickly happens. First pic. A full bloom 2’ chicory mowed down in neighbor’s yard. In 5 days, plant rose and quickly bloomed again, after chopped to a nub.
In spring, when chicory awakens and begins growing, plant first roots, then extends main stalk upwards. Days pass, then plant expands and branches out. Then…the blossoms. Growth cycle of weeks. As a mature chicory, I believe she has the experience and chutzpah to rise up and quickly bounce back, blossoming in sudden change.
💜 Be aware when a tense situation heats up, flaring fiery emotions like impatience, anger, judgment, or jealousy. Pause. Withdraw from stressful situation. Tuck in. Conserve and preserve. Energy and creative powers.
💜 Recognize when Universe/God prunes me back in order (and holy chaos) to help me root deeper into my spiritual gifts and faith. And, to reappear with more potent creative potential to quickly manifest magic, and the mundane-like daily to-do tasks.
💜 Move towards Light sources. Avoid another’s shadow of judgment. Or dark self-doubts.
💜 Align with rhymthic Universal forces. My present life chapter in Petoskey IS a season. Turn, turn, turn. I keep turning into a more willing student of Life. A more confident teacher and writer. In the moving and in stillness. Upward to light. Inward to heart. And, downward to core beliefs and roots of inner knowing.
Intelligence by nature. Study. Copy. Practice. Enjoy daily for lifetime well-Being. Find a wildflower teacher and life coach today. Sit. Look and listen.