Self-Care & Spiritual Inspirations
Blossoming After Loss
Nature’s intelligence and adaptibility teaches one to navigate life changes with more clarity and ease. Wildflowers like chicory are masters of adaptation, transforming to conserve energy and promote new growth based on what’s happening in external MACRO Universe.
Jigsaw Puzzles and Ayurveda Self-Care
Keep imagining what the puzzle, book, job, partner, etc. looks like. Thought creates biology. And prana- vital life energy, follows thought. Align with prana. Imagination is prana. So is meditation and prayer. These subtle energies maintain alignment with Universal creative powers.
Upgrade Career Dreams & Creative Goals
Inspiration to navigate change and unknowns when trailblazing new paths towards career dreams and creative goals.
Transformation in Three Stages
This post if for those feeling lost in the dark or trapped in old roles. Three stories mystery, hope, and life transformation. Read on for three stories of how wonder beholds mystery and faith unfolds magic.
Sail Through Stressful Times
Ayurveda, India’s 5000 year-old holistic wellness system, is an excellent lifestyle map and strategy for navigating life changes, be it health, career, or pandemic related. Nothing takes the winds out of one’s sails, like habitual stress patterns. When ignored, they create resistance towards the natural, divine flow of life.