Jigsaw Puzzles and Ayurveda Self-Care

Find Your North Star in Galaxy of Unknowns

Navigational tools for finding creative potential.

Dear commUNITY,

Once upon a time in a Universe far, far away, life felt easier to navigate.

Now, nearly two years into a pandemic, we are still navigating a galaxy of questions and answers. Of options and potential. Of choices and possibilities.
Right now, for me and many others, my goals and dreams look like a BIG puzzle just dumped on kitchen table. I can see my heart’s dream, just as clear as picture on puzzle box. And know the pieces all fit together. Yet, egads! So many pieces. What a jumble. What, where, how, and when will it ALL fit together? How do I start?

Finding Your North Star in Galaxy of Unknowns

From childhood through my 30's, puzzles were a favorite hobby. In my corporate banking days, they helped release work stress. In my Nashville chapter, they were evening fun when my partner was on tour. Somewhere between Nashville and California, I cold-turkeyed puzzles. Then, staying at friend's Lake Michigan condo cozatorium, on a solitude New Year’s Eve weekend, I put together a puzzle.
What I learned by solving jigsaw puzzle over 3 days, was a resurrection. Of hope. Of patience. Of persistence. Completing that puzzle is helping me more easily navigate change, and make better choices that align and fit with my heart's desire and Soul's mission. 

As soon as I began sorting pieces, I knew puzzle would be a meditative, spiritual journey. Here's what I learned:

5 Steps for Putting Together Life's Puzzles

1. Look at picture provided. On puzzle box. In your imagination. Imagine what your heart’s desire looks like when it manifests. Imagine yourself on your book tour. See your dream job workspace.  
2. Believe all the pieces are there. In puzzle box. In your life. Your education - school and the school of life. Family and friends. Divine help disguised as random strangers. Community. Financial miracles. All pieces fitting together to support life goals and heart's desires. 
3. Trust the pieces will fit together. Just like a puzzle, your choices all fit together to create your desired goal. If it’s a book- word by word, and page by page, you are putting together a book. A new job? Resumé by resumé, and interview by interview, you are manifesting new job. A marriage partner? Date by date, and prayer by prayer, you are walking down the aisle of matrimony.
4. Start with what feels easy, like the corner pieces. Then find and connect edges- the framework. Create an outline of what your dream home, job, relationship, book, or well-being looks like. Remember, baby steps are the miracles. 
5. Keep imagining what the puzzle, book, job, partner, etc. looks like. Thought creates biology. And prana- vital life energy, follows thought. Align with prana. Imagination is prana. So is meditation and prayer. These subtle energies maintain alignment with Universal creative powers.
Note photo below. Alas, not of finished puzzle. Because, more amazing is image of what I first put together. From the first pieces that jumped out at me. The Milky Way. The magical trail of starlight that spans a galaxy of life and possibility. In the sky. In my mind. In my life.
Sweet readers, possibilities ARE everywhere to help you solve any life puzzle. Trust you will find/receive them in divine timing. And all the pieces do fit together to create your heart’s dreams.
Choice by choice. Baby step by baby step. Piece by piece. You are a miracle in a galaxy of miracles.
And, there is a Universe of pure divine unlimited creative potential ready to support you, and your dreams and goals.

With a smile,


Vata Pitta Work Types


Vulnerability in Unknowns-Blank Page of Possibility