Transform your life by slowing down


The power of change; we see it in every season. Nature innately adapts to change. A physically fit body and a steady and creative mind are the result for humans who master the practice of moving through change—personal or professional—with focus, ease and grace.  

A fresh season is the perfect time to learn how Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga and the art of self-care, improves workouts, sleep, digestion, mental clarity, immunity, emotional balance, and creativity.  

In fall, nature’s rhythm grooves towards letting go and turning inward. Trees shed leaves. Sun clocks shorter days. Crops are harvested. Many animals hibernate. In essence, nature slows down. It’s a season of respite and rejuvenation.

In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.

Deepak Chopra


Fall into pace with nature and discover Ayurvedic wisdom

Rest is as necessary as movement in our daily routines. When we align with the slower pace during autumn, whether it’s jogging or practicing yoga, we create long-term benefits and optimal potential in our health, career, and personal relationships.

This fall, weave these easy, effective, and enjoyable Ayurvedic tips into your daily routine. You’ll discover how a little rest and relaxation will rev up workouts and expand inner bliss.  

1. Root into nature and new season of possibility

Strengthen your core in vrksasana. Strike a tree pose next to a real one. With slow, steady breaths, align with the tree’s energy of letting go (shedding leaves) and rooting down. Exhale: Mentally release thoughts, habits, or relationships that no longer nourish you. Inhale: Extend legs and expand toes onto the ground. Root into what nourishes you. Align with earth’s stable quality and state aloud your personal core values. Know that universal rhythms of change always support your dreams and goals.

2. Turn inward to expand

Daily meditation improves awareness, concentration, and decision making skills. It also supports balanced immunity and blissful sleep. Create a Bat Meditation Cave- a cozy nook at home to retreat for 10-20 minutes daily to rest and recharge. Unplug from the harsh light and sounds of smartphones. Close eyes and enter tranquil stillness of your inner world. Breathe in slow, smooth and steady manner. Wait and watch how breathing transforms mind and nervous system. Enjoy inner light of your soul as it begins to glow brighter. You’ll emerge revitalized and ready to deal with the jokers in Gotham City.

Interested in learning 4 sacred pranayamas (breathing practices) that I personally learned from my teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad of The Ayurvedic Institute? Reply to this email or click here to take first step towards better health and happiness.

3. Aromatherapy for ahh-mazing grace and peace

Aromatherapy helps nervous system bypass stress, and, ushers mind into tranquil space. Transform your home into a blissful haven with spices and essential oils. Make hot mulled cider with warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and vanilla. The aroma will fill your home, creating an instant spa effect. Use soothing oils like lavender, sage, pine, and frankincense in a diffuser, or blend in your favourite base oil and rub on soles of feet at bedtime.

4. Nourish yourself and flourish wellbeing

Autumn winds are typically cool and dry, causing dehydration and irritation in the skin. Invest in a few minutes of Abhyangha , Ayurvedic warm oil massage twice a week before showering and stoke a youthful glow. This Ayurvedic self-massage uses warm herbal oil to lower stress, improve immunity, stimulate the lymph system, and improve skin tone and texture. Print how to do this powerful at-home spa therapy.

5. Cover up and unplug

Cooler weather and blustery winds can aggravate ears and sinuses, making one more susceptible to cold bug. On bike rides and  trail runs, don a warm hat or headband. In addition to keeping you cozy, having your ears blocked from the chaos of outside world (and unplugged from ear buds) does wonders to calm the mind.

P.S. Remember to have fun. Sprint and jump to catch falling leaves. Bench-press the great pumpkin 20 times before carving it. Regular playtime supports your body’s immune system and stokes an attitude of gratitude.

Book an Ayurvedic consultation with Kellen and receive a personalized autumn ritucharya- a daily routine to manifest health goals and creative dreams.


Breath is a Divine Symphony


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