Motherhood and Smooring the Hearth

How divine mother energy kindles love and keeps hope alive during dark times.

The realm of the “divine unexpected” is womb where I have learned to both breathe and relax, and breathe and push forward, when birthing new life experiences. Although I never physiologically birthed a child, unplanned adventures made me a mother figure in a holy trinity of twists, turns, and surprises.

This Mother’s Day, like all others, I feel thankful for fate and faith, and, God giving me special opportunities to be a Mother.

The Twists

Never expected a random concert in South Carolina, summer 1998, to be a trailhead to a new home state, career, and family life. Over a course of almost 2 years, my love of music and desire to leave corporate world blazed a path to Nashville.

In February 2000, I left single-hood and corporate banking, and moved to Music City. For seven years, I was blessed by being a stepmother to three amazing souls. An experience that connected me to my Mother’s spirit.

The Turns

Never expected to become a Nana at age 38. The night we found out Lucy was pregnant was the same night I planned to tell Kieran I wanted us to have a baby. Fastest conception of a creative idea ever. Not exactly as I planned or wanted to experience motherhood, but exactly aligned with God’s purpose and plan for me being a Mother.

The course of divine dead reckoning requires both a will to surrender to winds of change, and keen devotion to heart’s desired destination. My maternal desires and wishes were granted. I enjoyed two years with Eli- sharing yoga with Lucy while he grew in the womb, and rocking him to sleep under our hackberry tree. For 13 months, I was blessed by being a Nana, an experience that often connected me to my Nana’s spirit. 

The Surprises

Never expected nearing menopause would be threshold to (God)motherhood. In my heart, embers, tiny embers glowed hope for being a mother again. In 2011, winds of change blew on those embers. From the hearth of prayers and hope, a new, bright soul appeared. My niece, Margaret. Maggie Jo arrived on winter’s solstice. On darkest, longest day of the year, her bright light dawned a new season of motherhood.

Life’s twists, turns and surprises, when consecrated in faith, hope, and love become sacred opportunities and divine portals for welcoming mystery and magic.

This Mother’s Day, I feel blessed for surprise gifts of being a stepmother, Nana, Godmother, and Aunt.

Unexpected twists and turns on one’s life path require skill of dead reckoning change by navigating from heart center. Charting decisions by trusting God’s perfect plan- the divine blueprint for my Soul’s mission, is only course I can truly, fully trust. A course that will have both stretches of wandering through deserts and walking on water.

Winds of change bring both unexpected surprises and unexpected griefs. God controls the winds, but the heart keeps sacred lights of desired destination glowing. In Celtic tradition, women would ‘smoor the hearth’ to keep fire alive through the dark night. By covering coals with ashes, a small light burned throughout the night.  Smooring my motherhood dreams with prayers kept them alive, preserving flame of desire, and warming my heart with laugher, hugs, and smiles at the hearth of several homes. Grateful for these beautiful souls who showed me how motherhood is both providing love and shelter, and receiving love and shelter. 

Breathing Meditation to Smoor Hearth of Heart’s Dreams

My Ayurvedic teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad, taught me Bellows Breath. Just like a fireplace bellows keeps a fire glowing, this breath supports a wellness glow in your nervous and digestive systems. When the mind is cleared of stress, your heart’s intelligence shines brighter. Click here for how-to card.

Bellows Breath is an easy and effective breathing practice supports mental focus and creative energy. It helps you navigate change with more clarity and joy, as you manifest twists and turns on the career dreams and creative goals.

The Benediction

Dear friends, may your life path be guided from your heart’s compass, for the Soul’s light, which resides in your heart, is wonderful trail guide. And may you be blessed by divine feminine energy, the magic, healing energy of a mother’s love. May light and love kindle your hopes with faith, protect your home with light, and warm your heart with love. And when winds of change alter your course, may you genuflect at altar of hope. May you trust the light of your soul to always navigate you back to havens and hearths. Lastly, may we all “smoor the hearth” for our Mother Earth, keeping health and hope kindled and alive, day and night, tending the Light.


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