Sail Through Stressful Times 

Navigating Change with Ayurveda

Need easy and effective stress relief tips for navigating these uncertain, ever changing times? Feel like you’re waiting for a lifeboat and getting tired treading health, financial, or career unknowns? Overwhelmed by how much loss and change is happening on a weekly, sometimes daily basis?

Me too. This is why Ayurveda has always (and in all ways) and, is now keeping me on course with my life goals and heart’s dreams. Ayurvedic wellbeing principles help me remain healthy, clear headed, and spiritually rooted in Hope amidst BIG changes like being furloughed from part-time job and embarking on new career opportunities. All while being nomadic, since leaving California and dropping anchor last July in the Motor City. Recently I’ve returned to Nashville for at least two months, hopefully longer.

Michigan is my home state. Little did I know my maiden voyage from Michigan in 1993 would manifest into a 27-year tacking strategy that helped me realize (and enjoy) career, educational, relationship, and travel goals and dreams. One would think six major cross country moves, three career changes, and a California wildfire and mudslide disaster makes me resilient to change. I’m not. What I am, is less resistant. As my Nashville yoga teacher used to say in every class, “that which you resist, persists.”

My daily practice of Ayurveda and yoga helps me become better skilled at knowing when to paddle, drop anchor, or open sails when allowing divine plan to unfold.

Right now I am tacking between states - geographically and energetically. Both Michigan and Nashville are giving me perfect pandemic haven to tuck in and re-vision my life. Both are excellent vantage points for charting new career courses.

“Being willing to change IS staying the course.” –Kellen

Life, like sailing, is not a linear course. Pandemic related changes require a constant tacking strategy. Like a sailor, by observing changes in the Macro world (planets, weather, pandemic patterns, economic currents) you can chart course of least resistance; then, adjusts your micro world such as goals/map, heart/compass, choices, mind’s focus, and emotions) in order (and Holy Chaos) to reach desired destinations. 

Sailing Through Winds of Resistance:

Ayurveda’s basic principle of maintaining and regaining health and wellbeing is based on relationships between the Macro (seasons, weather, climate, stages of life) and micro (body, mind, daily routine, foods, lifestyle choices).

Ayurveda, India’s 5000 year-old holistic wellness system, is an excellent lifestyle map and strategy for navigating life changes, be it health, career, or pandemic related. Nothing takes the winds out of one’s sails, like habitual stress patterns. When ignored, they create resistance towards the natural, divine flow of life. 

Successfully navigating change means being willing to change course, instead of battling winds of resistance. 

Common resistance and mental stress patterns in the three doshas:

  • Vata – worry and fear

  • Pitta – controlling and anger

  • Kapha – procrastination and stagnation 

According to Ayurvedic psychology, ignored emotions become stuck in nervous system and vital organs. (worry-heart;  anger–liver; stagnation–lymph). Unprocessed emotions create stormy headwinds, making simple tasks and life goal progress more challenging. 

Aligning with more positive emotions, via yoga, breath meditation, and mantra/prayer/positive affirmations is my favorite strategy for surrendering to divine currents of change, feeling better, and aligning my compass (heart) with possibility. 

Strategies and Practices for Navigating Change

Listen to my interview with global, natural lifestyle blogger Kathrin Hecht.  Learn yoga poses, food suggestions, breathing practices, and a positive affirmation for each dosha. These stress relief tips will help you draw up anchor of resistance. I make it super easy for you to weave effective and enjoyable self-care rituals into daily routines. Note: Ice cream, a valid feel-good treat, is discussed. 

This globally shared (lonnnggg) moment in history is both an intense and exciting opportunity to reset your compass towards life goals and hearts dreams; or, change course in a career or relationship. With 17 years experience as a certified Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant and Holistic Wellness Coach, helping thousands of people navigate change and unknowns, I’d love to help you by designing a daily self-care practice. Contact me here.   

Ps. Humor is powerful stress-relief. With that, here’s the zen-est of the zen, Bill Murray as Bob, breaking through his character’s stress pattern in the iconic sailing scene in “What About Bob’. 


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